We look forward to connecting
CASA and the Media
We are available to speak to issues related to foster care, kinship care, child abuse and neglect and family court. You can reach us at 518.424.1637 or info@casanys.org
CASA of New York State is proud to present this advertisement as a way of demonstrating CASA’s role in promoting high-quality and diverse volunteer recruitment.
CASANYS and its local affiliates are committed to the recruitment of volunteers from a wide array of backgrounds including all races, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses, and other abilities to serve as advocates for the children most in need in New York State. Using relationship-based advocacy and an intentional, restorative, and culturally relevant lens, CASA volunteers promote justice and advocate for a child’s best interests in court and in the community.
CASANYS was able to produce this commercial through the generous support of National CASA/GAL as part of a diversity, equity and inclusion grant.
We would also like to thank Elemo Global Agency for sharing in our vision and bringing life to our ideas.
recent news
CASA of Westchester and Putnam Counties will now be CASA of Westchester, Putnam and Rockland Counties
Currently, there are 14 local CASA programs providing advocacy and supportive services in 30 counties. Mental Health Associations umbrella two CASA Programs. The Mental Health Association of Westchester and The Mental Health Association of Rockland have Merge to rebrand as Greater Mental Health of New York.
CASA of Erie County Highlighted on Daytime Buffalo: Hope Rises
Jodi Johnson, Director of CASA of Erie County and Bridget McNally discuss the program with an impacted former CASA child.
CASANYS E.D. Appointed to State Leadership Council
Jackie Boissonnault, LMSW, Executive Director of CASA of New York State, has been appointed by the National CASA/GAL Association for Children to serve on the 2022-2023 State Leadership Council.
“Over the past five years the local leadership councils and National CASA/GAL have formed a strong collaborative partnership in our efforts to strengthen and grow the CASA/GAL network. Our engagement with local program directors is rooted in our belief that through strong partnerships and collaborative strategies we will strengthen the foundation of our network, prepare for sustainable growth, and most importantly, generate better outcomes for the children we serve.” Tara Perry, CEO of National CASA/GAL Association for Children
CASA of Rochester/Monroe County E.D. Appointed
Elizabeth Caldwell, Executive Director of CASA of Rochester/Monroe County, has been selected by the National CASA/GAL Association for Children to serve on their Urban Leadership Council for 2022-2023.
“We are so proud of Liz and know she will be an outstanding representative of the New York CASA network.” Jackie Boissonnault, Executive Director of CASANYS.
CASA Expands to Putnam County
JANUARY 2022: “We applaud The Mental Health Association of Westchester for expanding CASA advocacy into Putnam County, serving even more of New York’s most vulnerable children,” said Jackie Boissonnault, LMSW, Executive Director of CASA New York State. “Now available in 30 New York counties, I am so pleased to know that having a CASA is now possible for the children and families of Putnam County.” PRESS RELEASE
CASA Expands to Yates County
DECEMBER 2021: CASANYS is excited to announce CASA of the Southern Tier, Inc., which includes Chemung, Schuyler and Steuben Counties, has expanded child advocacy services into Yates County. PRESS RELEASE
NY Volunteer selected for National CASA/GAL Volunteer Council
Outstanding Dutchess County CASA Volunteer, Kristine Logan, was selected to be on the National CASA/GAL Association for Children’s Volunteer Council. She will be advocating on behalf of fellow volunteers and share their interests and concerns to the National CASA/GAL staff and Board of Trustees.
Veteran CASA Honored
Yvonne Tropp, a long-time advocate volunteer with the CASA program at the Mental Health Association of Westchester, is honored for her work. READ MORE . . .
Call for Nominations
SEPTEMBER 2020: CASANYS, the NYS Kinship Navigator and the Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of NY seek nominations of relative caregivers and others during Kinship Care Month. READ MORE . . .
Pandemic Moratorium
JULY 2020: CASANYS is a member of CHAMPS-NY, a coalition working to get New York to adopt a moratorium on youth aging out of foster care. READ MORE . . .
Barb Benedict Retires
JANUARY 2020: Barb, has worn many hats at CASA. She retired as Executive Director in June 2019 and has left a lasting impact. READ MORE . . .
Art Siegel Retires
JANUARY 2020: Art, General Counsel at Bond, Schoeneck & King, served on the CASANYS board for twelve years, retiring as President. READ MORE . . .